European projects

Since 2011 Fondazione Cariplo has supported projects of nonprofit organizations seeking EU funding under major European programs in the environmental area (e.g., Life, Interreg, Alpine Space), in particular those focusing on:
- climate action, resilience and climate-resilient cities;
- natural resources and their conservation, development of ecological connections, identification and promotion of ecosystem services (ES), and implementation of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes
- sustainable mobility;
- micro- and nano-plastic pollution of freshwater systems;
- multifunctional, sustainable local agriculture;
- collaborations for nature conservation, active citizenship and strengthened relations with public administrations.
Over the years several projects backed by Fondazione Cariplo were awarded EU funding. For example, the following projects received funding from the European Commission under the EU LIFE program:
· “TIB – Trans Insubria Bionet. Habitat connection and improvement along the Insubria ecological corridor between the Alps and the Ticino Valley” (link: http://www.lifetib.it/);
· “LIFE IP GESTIRE 2020 - Nature integrated management to 2020” (link: http://www.naturachevale.it/), from 2016 to 2023 implementing the outputs of the previous 2011 GESTIRE project;
· “TICINO BIOSOURCE - Enhancing biodiversity by restoring source areas for priority and other species of community interest in the Ticino Park” (link: http://ticinobiosource.it/);
· LIFE MASTER ADAPT - MAinSTreaming Experiences at regional and local level for adaptation to climate change (link: https://masteradapt.eu/)
· IDROLIFE - Conservation and management of freshwater fauna of EU interest within the ecological corridors of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (link: https://idrolife.eu/)
· CHOO-NA! - Choose the Nature! Involvement of young volunteers in nature conservation in Italy (link: http://www.lipu.it/choona/index.html#)
· “LIFE DRYLANDS – IFE DRYLANDS - Restoration of dry-acidic continental grasslands and heathlands in Natura 2000 sites in Piemonte and Lombardia” (link: https://www.lifedrylands.eu/)
· “LIFE INSUBRICUS - Urgent actions for long-term conservation of Pelobates fuscus INSUBRICUS in the distribution area”
· “LIFEEL - Urgent conservation measures for critically endangered populations of European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Po river basin”
Fondazione Cariplo has also engaged in training endeavors to help nonprofit organizations become proficient in designing projects for EU funding. In connection therewith, together with Fondazione CRT and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, it has prepared and published a “Guide to EU funding” which contains practical information on the complex system of EU competitive programs, including tips and recommendations on how to best design projects, for both directly and indirectly managed EU funding. The Guide to EU funding can be downloaded at http://www.guidaeuroprogettazione.eu/
In addition, in partnership with Fondazione Triulza, Fondazione Cariplo backs “BEEurope, Bet on European Energies”, a new capacity building set of initiatives and services fostering and supporting the internationalization of civil-economy and third-sector organizations, improving their ability to access EU funding and to participate in international social innovation projects.
One of the services offered through BEEurope is access to GEOfundus (https://www.geofundos.org/; https://www.geofundos.fondazionetriulza.org/), an online platform bringing together information on training and EU funding opportunities.
For more information: http://www.fondazionetriulza.org/it/page/beeurope/1179/
To apply for co-funding please visit: