SI Project – Scuola Impresa Famiglia

The SI - Scuola Impresa Famiglia project was born in 2018 as a strategic action in the field of school innovation with the aim of facilitating and enhancing the transition of technical institutes students to the workplace, today characterized by the "fourth industrial revolution".
Through a mapping of the territory needs, Fondazione Cariplo intends to concretely update the equipment of the laboratory schools, accompanied by specific technical training for teaching staff, in order to make educational provision more consistent with the needs of manufacturing enterprises and the professions system.
The SI Project has so far involved 76 technical institute with a technological orientation located in the intervention territory of Fondazione Cariplo.
The project brings together 36 4.0 sector leading companies thanks to which Fondazione Cariplo has been able to donate over 60 cutting-edge technological solutions and 5000 hours of training for a total investment of 1.5 million euros.
In May 2019 the competition "SI_Fabbrica" was launched among the schools participating in the SI project for the realization of functional prototypes: this experience is a further path offered to support the technological innovations and the young entrepreneurship.
The extension, in 2020, of the SI project to the agricultural technical institute is the result of an analysis of the national context from which it emerges that Industry 4.0 has also pervaded this district. With this further development Fondazione Cariplo is intended to encourage to encourage the strategic technological areas for innovation and competitiveness of the Italian territory/economy.