Innovation for development

Innovation for development is a program fostering innovation in international development assistance.
Promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, the program seeks to accelerate innovation in international development assistance by leveraging open innovation / challenges, training, events / networking, and is implemented by engaging partners operating in the technology and innovation realm (data for development, digital manufacturing, ICT for Development).
Program development lines for the 2020-2021 two-year period
• Challenges / Open innovation
Thematic calls (Coopen) and cross-discipline calls (Technologies for sustainable development) to promote collaborations among civil society organizations, universities, startups and innovative companies;
• Training
Training in development data mining, project management, leadership and entrepreneurship;
• Events
Events, webinars and meetings for international assistance players to become aware of opportunities offered by innovation.
To keep abreast of all the opportunities under this program, visit the program website and follow it on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube