Cross-cutting programs
In 2016, the year marking its 25th anniversary, Fondazione Cariplo launched a new major line of action: four high-impact programs focused on city suburbs and rural areas, youth employment and social entrepreneurship.
These cross-cutting programs are:
- Lacittàintorno a cross-cutting program spanning two years (2017-2018) focused on urban regeneration and intended to prototype a model that can be replicated in other urban realities. The program strives to improve urban living, make neighborhoods better for residents and more attractive to outsiders. It seeks to do so by increasing neighborhood services and facilities, engaging the local community and strengthening local networks. A key lever in this effort is the “community food hub”, a hybrid, multi-functional space operated by local players and others, where people can gather together, participate in cultural activities, find training and employment opportunities. Food serves as a sort of magnet to attract people to the place where they can find opportunities for socializing but also for improving their skills. Revenues generated will ensure financial sustainability. Education enhancement, increased local retail presence, engagement of residents in the regeneration and care of their neighborhood are other key features. The program will be rounded off and enriched by debates and activities in the arts and culture sphere geared to foster citizens’ participation and full integration of the neighborhoods into the new urban geography.
- AttivAree strives to revitalize and increase the attractiveness of Rural Areas, reduce isolation and favor good practices that bring people back to rural places. This program promotes sustainable development in rural areas by harnessing their environmental, social, cultural and economic resources, as well as human solidarity, collaboration and sense of belonging;
- Cariplo Factory: a 2,400-sq.m facility for an initiative that promotes youth employment by bringing together large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), social enterprises, players in the culture sphere, schools, universities, vocational training establishments, fablabs, incubators/accelerators and their respective skills, leveraging Fondazione Cariplo’s partners network.
- Cariplo Social Innovation: if effectively supported, Third Sector and emerging players in the social entrepreneurship landscape can promote innovation and modernization. Social finance/impact investing can support a social entrepreneurship eco-system strongly oriented to innovation in welfare, culture and the environment.