Innovative Finance for Access to Energy
‘Sustainable Energy for All’ is a goal set by the UN to be achieved by 2030. Meeting this goal would require $750 billion investments over the 2010-2030 period according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The Innovative Finance for Access to Energy workshop organized by WAME & EXPO2015 with the support of Fondazione Cariplo focused on off-grid and clean cooking solutions as ways to ensure sustainable energy access for all. Closely connected one to the other, off-grid and clean cooking solutions account for a small fraction of total investments, but would serve the needs of the largest portion of the global population that still lacks access to modern energy.
Financing models should support the financial viability of interventions, and there should be clear rules regarding investment ownership, responsibilities for the provision of services and the manners in which end consumers should pay for the services.
What savers invest in, and the ways businesses are financed, do change, at times in a radical way. Impact investing is a way of investing that may play a key role in achieving the goal of universal access to modern energy: some significant experiences in this realm were presented at the conference by the players involved in them.
Please click here to view the workshop video.
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