
Fondazione Cariplo at Urbanpromo 2017

Urbanpromo is the cultural event of reference for the theme of urban regeneration, intended as process of strategies, politics, actions finalized to the realization of a sustainable urban development. The XIII edition of Urbanpromo is looking for the horizon of Europa 2020. Urbanpromo is the perfect stage for:

  • know and make known projects and experiences with innovative contents;
  • comprehend the features of the new approaches to urban planning, social and real estate market in the urban perspective;
  • create the premises for investments projects with public-private partnerships;
  • establish relationships with representatives of Public Administrations, Private companies, Universities, Research Institutes and Professionists.

Urbanpromo offers the possibility of an advanced update to Administrators, economical operators, professionists and researchers on the most important issues on the Italian and international stage. Through an intense program of conferences, exhibition of projects and national publications, Urbanpromo directly faces the most important points of urban regeneration: the activation of investments in public-private partnerships, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, enhancement of real estate values, social housing, private funding to public works, real estate taxation, development perspective of the real estate market.

Fondazione Cariplo is partner of Urbanpromo and it's involved in these events: 

  • The leading role of communities in urban regeneration processes: Lacittàintorno

23rd November 2017, 9:30am-1:30pm, Salone d’Onore, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan
An event promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, in the framework of URBANPROMO 2017 PROJECTS FOR THE COUNTRY
Lacittàintorno is the cross-sectoral programme for urban regeneration promoted by Fondazione Cariplo by a 10 million euros investment over a three-year timeframe. Designed to foster well-being and quality of life in urban areas, it aims at enhancing the functions and services in place in the target areas. Whilst the programme is meant to kick off in Milan, first and foremost in the neighbourhoods Adriano-Via Padova and Corvetto-Chiaravalle, it will subsequently spread to other Lombard towns.
After the institutional welcoming ceremony, attention will focus on a brief overview of the intersectorial programme Lacittàintorno and on an extensive analysis of the three topics which underlie the programme and epitomize its identity, namely the Community Food Hub, the social and cultural role of food and public art as lever to engage the communities. The conference will feature the presentation of international case studies on the part of experts who will participate in a round table and a debate with the audience during the third part of the event.


  • Urban regeneration: the stakeholders’ perspective

23rd November 2017, 2:30pm-6:30pm, Salone d’Onore, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan
An event promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, in the framework of URBANPROMO 2017 PROJECTS FOR THE COUNTRY
The event fits in the programme “Urbanpromo 2017 Projects for the Country”, running between 21st through 24th November 2017 at La Triennale of Milan. This year, too, the event ambitiously aims at facilitating the exchange, stimulating the communication among the people who, each from different backgrounds, work in planning, design and management of the urban transformation.
Fondazione Cariplo has decided to share some best practice examples and the perspective of leading national and international players with the audience of Urbanpromo. Three the main goals pursued by the event “Urban Regeneration: Stakeholders’ perspective” scheduled to take place in the afternoon of 23rd November:
• extensively describe the complex set of needs by bringing best practice examples of urban
regeneration to life;
• set the theme against a context – while referring to priorities, requirements, financing
mechanisms and opportunities – in the framework of the Europe 2020 strategy;
• by treasuring the experiences illustrated, stimulate a debate among the key players to the aim
of implementing urban regeneration initiatives focusing on future development scenarios,
potential roles and synergies.


  • Urban quality as social and economic growth engine.

24th November 2017, 9:30am-1:30pm, Salone d’Onore, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan
Invitation only event. Restricted admittance.
An event promoted by the Third Sector Forum and Fondazione Cariplo, in the framework of URBANPROMO 2017 PROJECTS FOR THE COUNTRY
The presentation of an innovative approach on a European scale (Vienna’s experience, alternatively Geneva) will be followed (Focus 3) by some extensive analyses and team working sessions investigating relevant themes to the aim of delineating effective, targeted regeneration projects.
The case study experience presented will allow to delve into themes deemed crucial in defining suburban requalification and regeneration programmes: housing policies associated with social integration and social cohesiveness actions, citizens activation, spatial requalification of micro areas sustained by productive activities and local services, cross-disciplinary interventions, in addition to the players’ cross-disciplinary backgrounds.


  • Commons in the urban regeneration process

24th November 2017, 2:30pm-6:30pm, Salone d’Onore, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan
An event promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, in the framework of URBANPROMO 2017 PROJECTS FOR THE COUNTRY
We will explore urban regeneration by referring to some interesting experiences in the city of Milan. On one side the analysis will describe the creation of urban horticulture which, thanks to the involvement of the local community, has successfully requalified neglected, degraded areas by transforming them into areas of socialization and sharing. On the other side, we will present the projects funded through the competition MyPlaygreen which Fondation du Roi Baudouin, in collaboration with Timberland, promoted for the city of Milan in 2017. In greater detail, the competition aimed at promoting the creation, maintenance and amelioration of urban green areas. We will show that a greater presence of green urban areas positively impacts the quality of the environment and the citizens’ well-being.




Guzzetti UE

Towards a sustainable and affordable Housing market in Europe

On June 27th Fondazione Cariplo presented to the European Parliament the Italian Social Housing experience
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