Climate change
In recent years, the increase in extreme weather events, air pollution, disappearance of species, habitat and agricultural biodiversity, the rise in diseases related to environmental factors and other occurrences have provided crystal-clear evidence of climate change in our day-to-day life. To reduce our environmental footprint, we can no longer rely on individual sensibilities and efforts, but need coordinated actions to transform production and consumption systems and promote sustainable development at all levels.
The strategies adopted at European (EU Green Deal), national (Italy’s national strategy for sustainable development) and local (Agreement for sustainable development in Lombardy) level have been recently bolstered by the European “Roadmap for recovery. Towards a more resilient, sustainable and fair Europe” and the Next Generation EU plan. These initiatives promote the adoption of cleaner technology and a circular economy and are aimed at facilitating the transition to a more sustainable, fairer economy capable of creating new jobs and preserving the environment and natural resources for future generations. The financial resources allocated by the EU provide a tremendous stimulus and an unmissable opportunity to drive green innovation into our economy, and our Foundation can contribute to promote that innovation.
Philanthropic challenge
Protecting the environment and our natural resources to pass them on as our legacy to future generations, generating value through opportunities for sustainable development and by boosting resilience of ecosystems and communities.