The Commissione Centrale di Beneficenza – the Steering Board of Fondazione Cariplo – has unanimously approved the 2019 Financial Results: an extremely positive year with a surplus of 501 million euros, thanks to the performance of assets management and the 5 billion euros managed by Quaestio Capital Management Sgr that generated a 8.76% gross yield, and dividends from investments totalling 198.8 million euros.
Today, because of the pandemic, the Italian and global scenarios have profoundly changed, and the Foundation must pursue its philanthropic mission in a highly uncertain environment. In these uncertain times for all, the Foundation reasserts its commitment towards the territory and its communities, by focusing on immediate actions to respond to the crisis and starting a medium-term path to promote innovation in the territory.
Resources available to philanthropic activities in 2020 amount to 135 million euros, as per the DPPA 2020 - Documento Programmatico di Pianificazione Annuale approved on 5th November 2019. In relation to such amount, 60 million euros have not been allocated so far hence may serve the purpose of an extraordinary reprioritisation of the activities in light of the Covid-19 emergency.
Starting with the redirection of these grants, Fondazione Cariplo envisages to exploit the flywheel effect to mobilise additional resources, economic but not only, namely within projects already underway, in collaboration with Community Foundation or other potential partners.
The new action framework approved by the Steering Board lies on two distinct lines of work:
The revised framework – that will be furthered in the coming weeks – sets out 6 priority goals towards which resources and efforts of the four philanthropic areas of the Foundation will be channelled:
“In these highly uncertain times, we have clearly in mind Fondazione Cariplo’s statutory role and goals: we invest in the most fragile peope, in culture, in research and in the environment. Four key areas we must start from to generate value and look into the future. The Foundation plays an active role, that goes beyond making financial resources available, by promoting and stimulating initiatives aimed at building and strengthening the cohesion of communities. Communities’ cohesion and people’s development are not only guiding values for us but also two necessary conditions to overcome the current critical phase we are living in.”, Giovanni Fosti, President of Fondazione Cariplo.
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