2010 Results

In  2010, the assets of the 15 Community Foundations surpassed €217 million, growing 7% over 2009. In 2010, the Monza & Brianza Community Foundation met the fundraising challenge followed in early 2011 by the Lodi Community Foundation, which brought the number of community foundations attaining this goal to 9 out of 15.


In 2010, community foundations displayed satisfactory fund-raising results with some 4,200 donations aggregating to over €13 million of both endowment funds and utilizable funds.  After declining in 2009, in 2010 donations returned to the 2008 highly positive levels. During the year funds raised were up about 47% over 2009. 46% of donations were made by individuals, confirming the engagement of local communities, 27% by private entities, 12% by public entities and 15% by businesses.


Overall, community foundations recorded inflows of funds aggregating to €26.8 million, of which  €14.5 million contributed by Fondazione Cariplo and accounting for 54% of total inflows. Compared to 2009, inflows were down by about 2%.


In 2010,  Community Foundations’ grants exceeded €23 million funding over 2,200 social benefit projects. Compared to 2009, growth was recorded in both projects funded (up 29%) and awarded amounts (up 20%). Total outlays, including grants and operating expenses, aggregated to €25.4 million (up 20% over 2009).


Again, calls for proposals were the form of grantmaking most used by the Foundations: accounting for 79% of funds awarded and 75% of projects funded. The rest of the projects were supported via sponsorships, micro-grants, and contributions given as indicated by donors.


As in 2009, most of the projects were in the social and welfare area that attracted 41% of all funds, followed by heritage conservation with 20%, and arts and culture with 17% of total funds given.